Your Greatest Resource is Your People

We’ve been talking about the difference between anabolic and catabolic leaders for several weeks now.  Let’s finish off by looking at how each type of leader views and treats the people around them.

Catabolic leaders take advantage of the people around them. A catabolic leader only considers what others can do for them.  Associates, contractors, vendors and employees are like pawns on a chess board that the catabolic leader controls, and neither their feelings nor needs are considered.  The catabolic leader rarely, if ever, gives credit to anyone else, since they believe that when employees work for them, they own them and all of their accomplishments.  Likely to be bossy and condescending, the catabolic leader puts themself first, always having to be right and feel superior.  And so, it shouldn’t be surprising that most catabolic leaders are met with exactly what they expect: people that present problems.

Anabolic leaders, on the other hand, utilize instead of use the people around them. An anabolic leader, having the belief that all employees have something to offer, looks for ways to incorporate staff talents and company needs.  This leader sees employees as gifted and full of potential. Anabolic leaders help team members find their gifts, and utilize those gifts to best serve the organization, as well as the team members themselves.  They recognize the knowledge and skills of those around them, and they act in ways that make others truly feel like partners. Greatness is expected, and thus received.

Anabolic leaders coach their team members, using important skills such as listening, acknowledging, validating, championing, and visioning to create relationships and make each of their team members a leader in his or her own right. And so, accordingly, anabolic leaders find solutions in those people around them.

If leaders saw the people in their companies truly as resources, what a different place and focus that organization might have.  Think about how you and your organization treat the most valuable resource, your people. Are they problems needing help and solutions, or true resources to be nurtured, motivated, and empowered?