081: Dr. Carri Drzyzga on Creating a Healthy Business
Dr. Carri Drzyzga (Driz’ ga) is world-renowned as ‘The Functional Medicine Doc’– the go-to expert on finding the root causes of health problems so you can feel normal again. She is a chiropractor and naturopathic doctor, and host of the popular podcast, The Functional Medicine Radio Show with Dr. Carri.
Click to tweet: .@DrCarriD is sharing her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead! ▶ www.womentakingthelead.com/081
Playing Small Moment
Once Dr. Carri had rebuilt her private practice, she knew she had to write a book to get her name out there. That is when the stress set in and fear over the thought of the possibilities became paralyzing. She got on a Mastermind call and laid out all of her feelings. Dr. Carri’s group assured her it was completely normal, and told her to write one paragraph at a time. Afterward, nothing could hold her back and she was on her way to creating a healthy business!
The Wake Up Call
It was December, and Dr. Carri realized she was holding herself back and letting her excuses drag her down. She had a 3am realization that she was all-talk and no action, and felt she had to make changes right away.
Style of Leadership
Dr. Carri’s leadership style is still a work in progress. She tries to lead in a way that she would appreciate as a patient. Dr. Carri listens and reads between the lines and leads her team members the same way.
What Are You Excited About?
Dr. Carri has a new course that just came out, called Entrepreneurial Fatigue: How to Fill Your Brain and Body for Entrepreneurial Success, an at-home program designed to help the brain and body while building your healthy business.
Leadership Practice
Dr. Carri makes sure to look her team in the eye and to thank them personally. Simply providing those two words, “Thank you”, it means so much to them.
Book to Develop Leadership
Think and Grow Rich for Women by Sharon Lechter
What Would You Change?
Dr. Carri would tell her younger self to find a mentor and ask for help. “It’s ok to ask for help; people want to help you.”
Inspirational Quote
“Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought.” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
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