072: Lane Kennedy on Rocking Unexpected Motherhood
Lane Kennedy, is a Life Liberator & Business Igniter for go-getting, kick ass women who are ready to think bigger and get noticed! She’s been a serial entrepreneur, turned a startup into a legit business that brought in over a million dollars in sales in less than 18 months. Spun rough sketches of lingerie into a booming business where thousands of garments were being shipped out every year. Gone off the grid to work for a non-profit in Bangkok, creating a program that served to empower women across the country and get them off the streets. She is a proclaimed…foodie, mama, fiction writer, recovering fashion model, biohacking freak and Beatles-lover. She can’t live without… yoga, meditation, prayer, music and cheese. And the longest relationship she’s had is…with her dog, Jackson, 13 years and counting!
Click to tweet: .@lanekennedy is sharing her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead ▶ www.womentakingthelead.com/072
Playing Small Moment
An investor told Lane that he didn’t want to hear her strategy on how to bring in money and how to be ethical in his company. She stared at him and sat down. She realized that she had become a statistic. Lane was shocked, as she had heard about this but never actually experienced it. She lost her confidence in that moment.
The Wake Up Call
Lane’s wake up call ended up in her taking an exit from the lingerie company. Her eyes were sunken in, she was working 16 hour days and not being present in her life. Lane had to work back into things that kept her grounded and back into her life.
Style of Leadership
Lane gives her people full power to execute what they’re going to do. She also makes sure not to micromanage.
What Are You Excited About?
Lane is excited about her second draft of her book about finding your north star. She is also passionate about upgrading your lifestyle and is working on a project that focuses on that.
Leadership Practice
Lane uses Slack so she can get out of her inbox and just pay attention to work.
Book to Develop Leadership
Pitch Perfect by Bill McGowan
What Would You Change?
She would tell her younger self to take it slowly.
Inspirational Quote
“Just be.” ~ Lane Kennedy
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