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Teena Evert inspires and empowers women to deepen and strengthen their greatest asset: their connection with themselves. Her extensive background as a marriage and family therapist and relationship coach, paired with her honest, gripping, compassionate speaking style fuses personal growth with finding and nurturing a loving relationship with a partner. Successful, driven women are moved to consider new possibilities in their quest to find a new relationship (or fortify the one they already have).
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Women Taking the Lead #inspiration
Playing Small Moment
Teena recalls having a shirt with a patch that read, “Think Big,” while she was in elementary school. As a young girl, she thought that thinking big could make her taller, smarter and prettier. In her adult years, “Think Big” has a different meaning. Teena had to learn to embrace her self worth and know that she is valuable and more than good enough just the way she is.
The Wake Up Call
Teena was constantly enrolling in personal development courses and reading self help books that were supposed to help her figure out how to have a more fulfilling life. Teena did learn to practice yoga and meditation to calm her mind and balance her emotions. Teena was ultimately searching for a healthy relationship with herself and to build a relationship with a potential partner and these tactics didn’t help her achieve that. Unfortunately, she didn’t know how to get her needs met, or that she even had needs, which caused resentment to build. The universe kept hitting her over the head to get clear with what she wanted in a relationship and live in alignment with her core values.
Style of Leadership
Teena would say that her leadership style is full of moxie. She leads with courage and lots of guts. Teena also leads by example, shows up as her best self and is transparent about her struggles. If she can inspire someone to think big, then Teena feels like she is leading from her innate brilliance.
What Are You Excited About?
Teena is releasing her second book,
Put Love First, a book for women who are smart, successful and driven that want to turn their love from hot mess into a hot success. The book teaches women how to prioritize their love life without losing ground in their business.
Current Business Challenge
Teena’s biggest challenge is feeling uncomfortable. She acknowledges that whenever we up level our life, we feel really raw and uncomfortable. Recognizing this keeps Teena anchored, rather than feel paralyzed and ending up self sabotaging.
Your Support System
Women tend to be very independent; asking for support doesn’t come as our first choice. Teena had to learn to find the right support, and she did in a mentor and women’s tribe that keeps her honest. Without a tribe of women by her side, Teena doesn’t think she would follow through with her ideas.
Leadership Practice
Teena isn’t sure it is a practice, but she believes in “being real” every day,
bringing the pretty and the ugly.
Resource to Develop Leadership
Conversational intelligence: How to Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results by Judith E Glaser
Advice For Younger Self
Teena would tell her younger self, “You’ve got this. Trust your gut. Don’t doubt yourself and say no more often so when you say yes you really mean it.”
Inspirational Quote
“One of the most courageous things you can do is identify yourself, know who you are and what you believe in and where you want to go.”
– Sheila Murray Bethel
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Accomplished: How to Go from Dreaming to Doing. The book containing a simple, step by step system that gives you the foundation and structure to take your goals and make them happen.
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