style of leadership

194: TJ Jones on a New Style of Leadership

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style of leadershipTJ Jones is a leadership crusader, author, speaker, team-builder, and coach. He has spent 25 years first as a teacher and coach, then twenty years as a corporate sales executive and head of training and development. TJ crusades for fiercer caring; caring to be our best selves, caring for others, and caring for the greater cultural good. TJ’s mission is to Awaken, Influence, and Inspire others to become “Caring Warriors.”

Click to tweet: .@CaringWarriorTJ is sharing her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead #inspiration

A Woman Who Has Impacted You as a Leader

TJ has had the opportunity to work with many great leaders, but he thinks back to a particular senior executive who gave him his first opportunity. She was a great business woman, who was also very warm and likable, with a talent to balance those aspects beautifully. Ultimately though, it was TJ’s wife that made him into the leader that he is now. Without her love and support, TJ wouldn’t be crusading for much now.

What He Sees That Holds Women Back

One of the many bosses TJ has had was such an impressive woman, who was smart and analytical. During one of his performance reviews, she broke down and was clearly upset. Initially, TJ was shocked and wondering why it was happening during his review, but he felt she could trust him. She has received feedback that she was too harsh and intimidating. Lack of self acceptance can hold us back and cause us to overcompensate in certain areas.

What He Has Learned From Women

Instead of just opening up the laptop when you sit down with someone, TJ learned that particularly in the beginning, that it is better to discuss the expectations with an employee or peer. It is really important to have an open and honest conversation to start the working relationship.

What Changes Are Necessary for Women to Step Up as Leaders

TJ believes that women don’t need to change so much, but to become, to progress throughout our lives. TJ listened to one of Oprah’s commencement speeches, and she said after her show ended, that she wondered if she mattered anymore. We take the need to feel significant, to feel connected to the world into the professional environment. Expect to continue to grow and better yourself. If you aren’t getting that, ask yourself if this the right thing for you. Make necessary steps to continue and grow.

What Are You Excited About

Tj recently launched his first book, The Caring Warrior, which can be qualified as a self help book with leadership undertones. TJ wants to create a new generation of caring warriors.

Inspirational Quote

“Does anything take more courage, is anything more challenging, and sometimes frightening than to live by your own mind, judgement and values? Is not self esteem a summons to the hero within us?” ~ Nathanial Brandon





Book Recommendation: The Confidence Code by Katty Kat & Claire Shipman

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