On-Air Coaching: Zoe MacLaren on How to Establish Your Personal Brand
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Zoe MacLaren is a fundraiser, thought-raiser, and spiritual activist who inspires women to reconnect with the unique difference they were born to make. Over the last two years, Zoe has helped raise over $1M collectively for non-profits, start-ups, and budding visionaries who are making a positive social impact for women, children, and families throughout the world.
Zoe was recently named Director of Programs and Development for yogaHOPE, a Boston nonprofit that empowers women to become catalysts for positive change in their lives, families, and communities. She is also a licensed facilitator and trainer of yogaHOPE’s revolutionary trauma recovery program, TIMBo, an integrative mind-body method for healing trauma that helps women regain agency over their bodies and empowers them to share what they’ve learned with others around them. Cutting across socio-economic divides, TIMBo has transformed the lives of thousands of women in developing countries like Haiti and Kenya, as well as high-need populations of women in the United States, including prisons, state hospitals, homeless and domestic violence shelters, substance treatment centers, and more.
Zoe and I discussed:
- Transformation in many forms.
- Non-profit organizations
- Authenticity and unlocking potential
- Presence in the world
- Self worth
- Building a personal brand
Instagram – @spiritual_action
Facebook – Zoe LeVan MacLaren
Email – zmaclaren@yhtimbo.org
Links to yogaHOPE:
Instagram – @yhtimbo and @yh_timbo_global
Facebook – yogaHOPE
Website: www.yhtimbo.org
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