055: Angie Swartz on Embracing What Makes You Different
Angie Swartz, Founder of Life Purpose Advisor, is a Life Coach and an Executive Business Coach. Angie’s mission is to empower people to find their life purpose and to improve personal mastery through knowing themselves, incorporating daily practices and transforming their bodies. She believes that we all know our life purpose but can’t recognize it until the time is right in our lives.
Click to tweet: .@AngieSwartz shares her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead! Listen here ▶ www.womentakingthelead.com/055
Playing Small Moment
• There have been times in Angie’s life when friendships would wane and she didn’t understand why that was happening and she took it personally. As a result she started to shrink and hold herself back so she wouldn’t be misunderstood by those around her. She came to understand that she is just different from most other people, she sees the world differently, and that’s okay.
The Wake Up Call
• When Angie’s daughter was 3 years old a series of events came about that let Angie know that she was spreading herself too thin and this was not allowing her to grow and go deeper to knowing herself. As a result, she hired a mentor who could guide her to focus on herself and where she wanted to grow.
Style of Leadership
• Angie leads by example by showing possibilities, displaying her higher purpose, so people can solve their own problems. She also loves forming communities so people can come together collaborate.
What Are You Excited About?
• Angie is getting ready to add a mini-series to her podcast to help you find your life purpose. She is also working on a new business called Launch Your Purpose for those who want to turn their purpose into a business.
Leadership Practice
• Angie does daily energy work and meditation first thing in the morning.
Book to Develop Leadership
• StrengthesFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath
What Would You Change?
• Angie would have brought spirituality into her life sooner and be kinder and more understanding of others.
Inspirational Quote
• “Om Mani Padme Hum” ~ Sanskrit Mantra meditation
Louise Hays interpretation: “Compassion arises as I honor the potential of awakening within each of us with the understanding that we are all one human family, brothers and sisters helping each other on the path to enlightenment.”
Interview Links
• http://www.lifepurposeadvisor.com/
• https://www.facebook.com/LifePurposeAdvisor/
• https://twitter.com/AngieSwartz
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