Simple Communication Tips for Managers

I’m going to share some simple communication techniques for managers that can be used when building teams, resolving conflicts, and motivating people. These practical tips will help you get the most out of your team – and help boost productivity and morale.

Team Building Strategies

If you want to build the best team, start with communication. Find out all that you can about potential team members – get to know their strengths and weaknesses so you know what they can ultimately bring to the team. Choosing the right people for the task turns into a win-win situation for each person – and for the company as a whole.

After you’ve identified your team, promote open communication between members. Encourage your team members to build bonds that stretch outside of the workplace to really enhance workplace relationships.

Let your team know that you’re open to receiving feedback so you can stay updated on the overall functioning of the team and address any issues before they arise. And if conflicts do pop up, find out what to do below.

Resolving Conflicts

Conflict happens. Sometimes we mesh well with others – and sometimes we don’t. Some people seem to thrive off of volatile situations, while others would rather shrink into a corner, preferring to avoid conflict at any cost.

What can you do to resolve conflict in a way that benefits everyone?


  • put off addressing the problem, hoping it will miraculously disappear. Chances are, it won’t – the longer you don’t address it, the worse it’ll get.
  • get overrun by the what-ifs – that endless stampede of mental questions many of us face when we’re feeling uncomfortable. “What if she goes off on me?” “What will people think of me?”
  • chew on the issue and every little detail that surrounds it. Like attracts like, and the more you focus on the negativity of the whole issue, the problem will seem to balloon into something even more unmanageable.
  • take it personally. People often have different perspectives. It doesn’t mean the other person is wrong or bad.


  • view the other person as your partner, not your adversary. You want the other person to see himself as part of the solution – not the problem.
  • put your emotions on the sidelines for a bit. You don’t want to blow up and come across as unstable or emotionally unhinged. Take a breather and remember to remain objective.
  • allow everyone the chance to speak, and make sure to listen. You might pick up on something that you weren’t previously aware of.
  • avoid finger-pointing and gossip. This only breeds mistrust. Stick to the facts, and keep your personal feelings and judgments OUT.
  • speak calmly and professionally. If you feel like accusatory, judgmental language is about to spew out, consider stepping away for a bit to regain control over yourself.
  • remember that the other person probably wants the same thing you do – to be heard and understood – without bias. See this as an opportunity for you both to learn something – and grow from the experience.

Keeping Everyone Motivated

Consider the following scenario, and then decide which of the two leaders is more likely to get the results desired.

Leader #1: “I need you to put together a report detailing the responsibilities of the personnel in your department as soon as possible.”

Leader #2: “We’re considering options to ease some of the production crunch you and your department are under. A solid report of everyone’s responsibilities would help us see who does what and what we can do to fill in any gaps.

We need this information by tomorrow; earlier, if possible. I’d also love to hear your ideas for resolving this. Do you have some time today to work on this?”

It’s not difficult to ascertain which scenario will get more desirable results. Let team members know why they’re important so that they are positively motivated in their work.

You probably remember the old phrase “It’s the simple things that matter.” Nowhere could this be truer than when interacting with others.

Listening well, remaining calm and objective during a conflict, and motivating your team aren’t elaborate methods to control others – they’re just simple steps that give you the opportunity to bring the greatest benefit to all involved.

What do you think is the single most important thing you can do when a conflict arises to restore a sense of harmony between all parties involved? Share your comments below!