Community Spotlight: Felicia Beltran is Working Toward Management

About a year ago, half of my senior-level colleagues left our department for various reasons. At this moment I knew this was an opportunity to use what I had learned as an eager and motivated understudy to these freshly-departed folks to shine and grow in to a management-level position.

That same month I signed up for a mentoring program that our agency offers and I also made it my goal to speak frankly to my supervisor about my future endeavors for growth within our group. I even did a PowerPoint presentation in his office outlining why I should be promoted and included supporting context. He seemed shocked, but supportive.

Next, I made it my goal to network with other departments we collaborate with on projects to see how we could strengthen my department’s performance by firming-up communication gaps between departments.

In between these working goals I was assigned to a large project that allowed me to come up with innovative ideas related to project management. This large project allowed me to approach my supervisor with proposed solutions to problems and they allowed me the freedom to execute my strategies.

These opportunities to lead that my supervisor provided were truly tests that I took serious and prepared for.

Throughout my journey it has been not only my mentor, but supporting family that really helped me focus and stay motivated.

Another factor that has contributed to my professional motivation is listening to WTL and hearing the positive stories of women just like me; who found their voice to speak up, be noticed and “lead with a sense of humor.”

Presently, community memberI am working towards a management position that I hope to be posted by my supervisor within the next few weeks. Wish me luck and continued growth.

Felicia Beltran, Senior Community Relations Officer at Arizona Department of Transportation