040: Lori Brooks on Finding Freedom in Technology
Lori Brooks is a business consultant and Host of the Technology = Equality Podcast. She has spent over a decade developing customized techniques to help financial agents and small business owners; optimize work flow, streamline processes and increase productivity. Lori decided to take her consulting business on full time after health issues prevented a typical 40 hour work week. She began her entrepreneurial journey as independent contractor, before starting an online blog and launching The Technology = Equality Podcast.
Click to tweet: .@LoriBrooksMgmt shares her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead! Listen here ▶ ww.womentakingthelead.com/040
Playing Small Moment
• When Lori began creating products for her business and estimating the costs associated with creating the products she underplayed the value of what she was creating and the amount of hours that would go into the work she would be doing.
The Wake Up Call
• A woman who had hired Lori told her that no one would listen to Lori in her position. Surprised yet determined Lori took on the cause to change that perception. She now makes a point, regardless of what role she plays or title she holds to market herself, speak up and be heard.
Style of Leadership
• Lori describes herself as being more hands off as a leader. She has learned that it’s more important to listen intently to the needs of the people she is leading so she can provide to them exactly what they need.
What Are You Excited About?
• Lori is expanding the Technology = Equality podcast to video. She is playing around on Youtube and that will becoming more prominent in her marketing.
Leadership Practice
• Lori tries to focus on the outcome and not nit-pick the precision points. She focuses on good enough so she can focus on the end goal.
Book to Develop Leadership
• Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg
What Would You Change?
• If she could go back Lori wouldn’t have waited until she was sick before she needed to make the changes she needed to make in her life. She would have addressed the stress she was dealing with a lot sooner and made the changes that needed to be made.
Inspirational Quote
• “Take care of your Thoughts because they become Words. Take care of your Words because they will become Actions. Take care of your Actions because they will become Habits. Take care of your Habits because they will form your Character. Take care of your Character because it will form your Destiny, and your Destiny will be your Life.” ~ His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
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