
036: Nicole LaBonde on Leaving “Should” to Embody Sassy

sassyBefore her immersion in health and fitness, Nicole LaBonde was a professional dancer, choreographer and actor in Philadelphia and Miami. Nicole is a certified Pilates instructor through the prestigious Romana’s Pilates program. She is the creatrix of CABARRET, a dance fitness class that blends toning barre work and cardio burlesque dance- a calorie-burning, muscle-sculpting, sexy workout! She is a contributing writer on Health, Fitness and Wellness for several online magazines and outlets.

Click to tweet: .@CaBarretFit shares her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead! Listen here ▶

Playing Small Moment

• Though she loved the sassy burlesque style of dance, she was not comfortable with her body and felt in conflict with her family upbringing, and could not perform on stage. Once she found a group of women with the same conflicts, they banded together and were able to make it happen.

The Wake Up Call

• After getting married and divorce Nicole realized she needed a fresh start so she took a job in a theater in Florida, far away from her home in Pennsylvania. Within six month the theater director told her they were out of money and she had no job. However, after reflection she realized she had transferrable skills and started her own business as a freelance dance teacher. Soon after, after witness what was good and what was not good in the different modalities of dance and exercise she created CaBarreT.

Style of Leadership

• Nicole strives to be accessible and down to earth with her clients. When it comes to business and dealing with contracts, she takes a harder line.

What Are You Excited About?

• Nicole has launched Cabarret as an online training for teachers to get certified to offer it in their classes and studios. She has also written a book that will be launching, can be pre-ordered on the website. It’s great for burlesque dancers but anyone starting a business can benefit from it.

Leadership Practice

• Nicole has worked hard to cultivate the skill of truly listening. It has made her a better instructor and businesswoman.

Book to Develop Leadership

Bossy Pants by Tina Fey

Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso

What Would You Change?

• Nicole would have played bigger sooner.

Inspirational Quote

• “Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” ~ Dolly Parton

Interview Links

Cabarret Fit

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