057: Shannon Moss on Reinventing Yourself Publicly and Passionately
Shannon Moss is a passionate journalist who has called Maine home since 1999. A former TV news anchor, Shannon is now the owner of Code Gratitude, a mission-driven company in Maine dedicated to showing our appreciation to those who serve us every day by offering special deals and discounts from local businesses. CodeGratitude.com connects supportive businesses with the men and women in Law enforcement, Fire, EMS and Military. A graduate of the University of Rhode Island, is also known for using her celebrity to spotlight and support multiple causes she believes in.
Click to tweet: .@CodeGratitude shares her story to inspire you on Women Taking the Lead! Listen here ▶ www.womentakingthelead.com/057
Playing Small Moment
• Shannon had a belief that she was not smart because she had a learning disability. When a high-stakes job assignment came up at work she freaked out. It was worse than she expected and she nailed it!
The Wake Up Call
• Although Shannon knew she was happy at work she was shocked when she came into work to find out her contract was renewed. With no Plan B she ventured into the next phase of her life…where she found what was missing at her previous job.
Style of Leadership
• Shannon participates in her leadership. She walks the talk and loves to encourage others to bring out their best.
What Are You Excited About?
• Find out about the amazing business that became Shannon’s Plan B…and so much more. CodeGratitude.com is honoring our protectors and local businesses who support them.
Leadership Practice
• Shannon practices listening to develop her leadership. She does this by focusing on being in the moment.
Book to Develop Leadership
• The Leadership Challenge by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
What Would You Change?
• Shannon would go back and not be so hard on herself. Her expectations of herself were so high they were unattainable.
Inspirational Quote
• “Faith not Fear.” ~ Shannon Moss
Inspired by Joel Osteen’s book, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential.
Interview Links
• https://www.facebook.com/codegratitude
• https://twitter.com/CodeGratitude
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