The Next Level: Create the Vision for Your Continued Success

What does it mean to you to achieve the next level?  What does that look like in your world?  There are those out there who don’t even want to consider it because the thought of what it might take to get there is too overwhelming.  What is usually going on is their mind has made the task of getting there bigger than what it would be in reality.  It’s like looking in the rear view mirror of a car. However, rather than objects being closer than they appear in the mirror, obstacles are smaller than they appear in your mind.  In some cases those obstacles are actually “optical” illusions, but I digress.

Most of us want to take our game to the next level, in on one or more areas of our life.  We see ourselves as life-long learners, achievers, motivated go-getters on an adventure for experience, expertise, success, wisdom, recognition or the ability to give back so that, at the end of the day, week, year or career, we can transition to enjoying recreational pursuits satisfied and knowing we gave it our best.

Like any journey you would go on, you need to begin with the end in mind.  Where is it you want to go to?  What is the “next level” to you?  Give it a name and a description.  Envision what life is going to be like when you get to that place.  How are you operating at that next level?  At this stage get specific about what you want to have, experience, do, contribute and enjoy.

You may become painfully aware of how your life contrasts to the vision you are creating.  This is perfectly natural.  Use this awareness to motivate yourself to move forward.  If you’re ready to take some action review this article for some inspiration.  The topic of the article is promotions and it is very relevant to navigating the gap between here and there.

Crystal clear or clear as mud?  Feedback and questions are welcome and appreciated.