Master Your Self, Master Your Life: Success Starts from Within

What is a master? A master is someone who naturally attracts success. It’s a person whose attitude and behavior automatically attracts the right people, places, and opportunities. Those same qualities allow that person to confidently say “yes” to those opportunities without fear or hesitation.

While each of us can do many things well, there is really only one thing that we can naturally master. While it takes a lot of effort to become a master in what you DO, there is no real effort necessary in the thing we can truly master: BEING who we are.

Each of us has a very unique makeup. That makeup is perfect, and when you are aware of it and express it, your real gift to the world is revealed. When you are sharing your true gift with the world (AKA rockin’ it out!), you can be considered a Self-Master.

Think of the times when you allowed yourself to be YOU. It felt natural and easy, and you attracted to you those who appreciated and admired you for who you really are. Those who thought they had you pegged saw you in a whole new light.

Imagine having that in all areas of your life, day in and day out.

Self-Mastery is made up of 3 parts:

  1. Understanding that each of us has a unique gift to offer to the world and it is offered when we are truly authentic.
  2. Discovering (remembering) what exactly is our truly authentic self.
  3. Sharing who we are with the world, in a way that only we can.

It’s not what you do that matters, nor how you do it. Mastery is about knowing who you really are, and allowing that to be expressed in what you do. When you are expressing your authentic self, what you do and how you do it doesn’t require much thought or planning. You’ll naturally feel the urge to express it, in a way that works for you.

So instead of trying to better yourself to finally earn the life you desire, why not relax, and instead look within?

Self-Mastery means living an abundant, fulfilled, and enjoyable life. It means feeling in control without having to control anything or anyone. As a master, it means you are at the cause, instead of the effect of your life.

Self-Mastery means living in alignment with our true selves, and attracting all we could ever want into our lives, and…with little or no effort.

In future blogs, we’ll look at many things that get in the way of discovering and sharing our true selves. One by one, we’ll identify those obstacles, limitations, and challenges and reveal them for what they are: distractions that can be rendered powerless through awareness and Self-Mastery. These blogs will help you to transform and mold your world into all that you desire, and reveal your unlimited potential.

If you were to bring your authentic self forward more often, what would that look like?  What would you be doing differently?


  1. Love this Jodi! I have realized more and more that when I relax into my day I am so much more productive – leave the stress of being who I ‘think’ I need to be that day and allow the authentic ‘this is what I feel I want to do today’ voice guide my day. Love this post my friend!


  2. Thank you, Bobbi! Things ARE much easier when we are not putting so much energy into trying to control the outcome.

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